Monday, July 11, 2011

Lambeau Field, home of the World Champion Green Bay Packers.

A telegram from Lombardi's parents congratulating him on a big win.

The 2011 NFC Championship Trophy

The collection

Me and the 2011 Lombardi Trophy

Vince Lombardi

"Curly" Lambeau

We had a great trip out to Lambeau Field. My Dad, Meg, Phill and I drove out to see the new trophy. I brough along the camera and got some shots.
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Monday, July 4, 2011

Gwen says "Have a happy and safe Independence Day!"
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Took some shots last night before we watched some of the fireworks displays that were visible across the lake. It was interesting to watch this family of ducks swim around the docks. The mother would occassionally fly up and sit on one of the docks while her ducklings swam in circles below calling out. Guess every parent needs a little alone time every now and again!
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Morning on Lake Winnebago

Morning on the lake is so peaceful, at least for a while. In a way I'm really glad my body is still on East Coast time. It lets me get out early before the kids are up, take some photos and think about my place in the world. Not a bad way to start the day!

Happy Birthday America!

Old Glory bathed in the early morning light out front by the lake.

Brings to mind the opening lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner...

Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hail at the twighlight's last gleaming?

Happy 235th Birthday, America!